When searching for a Thai restaurant in London there is a huge amount of choice out there, Thai restaurants in London have undergone a rapid boom over the last thirty years to the point where choosing the best Thai restaurant can seem like a daunting task. This city does not have a huge population of Thai expatriates so why are there over 600 Thai restaurant in London? From the most humble suburban takeaway to the best Thai restaurant in London, the cuisine is more popular than it has ever been but it’s not being ordered by native Thai diners or tourists but rather by London foodies who are constantly searching for the best Thai restaurant in London.
The first task is to decide what kind of Thai restaurant suits your mood and needs: are you looking for casual dining, street food, fine dining or simply the best Thai restaurant in the area? London Thai restaurants can cover all of these needs, from the most basic takeaway to the most exclusive silver-service Thai restaurant. If you’re looking for fun, casual dining with a range of classic Thai dishes and a cocktail menu which is more than a little tempting, even if we do say so ourselves, then we humbly suggest you might enjoy SUDA. If you’re looking for a Thai restaurant in the Leicester Square area then we’ll suggest it twice.